Denial Denied


Broken heart 💔


Packing up and moving my life.

And while it has now faded into insignificance — there was that whole narrow miss with the tree and the garage.

It is getting harder to pretend everything is just fine.

But dogs still need walking.

Harper B ❤️

And thank goodness for dogs who keep us moving when we want to crawl in bed and eat cookie dough 🙋🏼‍♀️

Capella ⭐️

Stuff still needs to go to the dump. This was the view from Trusty Rusty as I drove — there are fire crew vehicles everywhere.

I am trying to find ways to off load even some of the demands and responsibilities — that is what you do when your available Little Soldiers are stretched thin.

I asked my realtor for help — she found someone to do the post-move cleaning for me. WHEW. She also arranged the contractor bids for the garage. The repair starts on Tuesday, and insurance is covering it (less the deductible, of course).

Yes, it is currently a Cluster Fork of Crisis around here.

But I do not feel cursed at all. The Universe is not out to get me. I am just a human being living in an imperfect world where bad things — and good things — happen to all of us.

My job is get through this, and I will — but I think I will wear my newest Lucky Socks today (thanks, Carol!) for some extra support.